Greg Varga

Medizinische Hypnose SMSH, Anästhesie und Praktischer Arzt FMH

Personal Growth Facilitator, Lomi Bodywork Practitioner IISB, Ropeworker

My Way, Teachers, Courses:

And how I came to do this wonderful work...

What brings me here?


I was born in Hungary. My ancestors arrived in Europe a 1000 years ago. They were skillful equestrian archers conquering half of Europe. They were fast and strong warriors, frighteningly accurate in their shooting.

I on the other hand grew up in an era, where feminism taught mothers to tame their boys and keep them small.

With time, the contrast between these two energies within me became more and more evident. I began realising, how traumas from my childhood lead to much of my present life's struggles.

Already during  my studies in Human Medicine at the prestigious University of Szeged in Hungary, I realised that Western Healing might not fulfill my desire to help others (and even less myself) . But only a decade after becoming a medical doctor did I realise, how much there was to fill the gaps.

I remember I bought my first book of meditation when I was in my twenties. I still have it...

Still it took me over 20 years to figure out, how my Inner Life with its many parts were responsible for outer life experiences and how I could deal with this growing power in an efficient way.

Only with time did I realise, how important feminism was for our society to break out from patriarchy.

Today I am convinced that it is essential for us to work together with all genders and all our inner parts to create a new world.

Trainings and Experiences

Medical doctor, Anaesthetist (FMH), Medic (FA Notarzt SGNOR), Medical Hypnosis (FA Medizinische Hypnose SMSH)

Lomi Bodywork Practitioner IISB since 2022

Regular Meditation practice since 2012

Regular self-awareness trainings with psychotherapists

Regular participation in SMSH intervisions

Regular Lomi Lomi - Exchange

Regular participation at Satsangs about Sexuality with Roger Spiess

Prananadi course level 6 (tibetan energy healing)

Prananadi Reincarnation Level 2

Diploma Classical Massage Jan/Feb 2016

Crashcourse Psychiatry für General Practitioners Oct. 2017

Regular participation Tantric/Orgasmic Yoga Workshops since 2018

Basic course Sexological Bodywork IISB Feb. 2019

Course "Kurs in therapeutischer Gesprächsführung und psychatrisch/psychotherapeutischen Grundlagen" IKP May-July 2020

Course in Process oriented Bodywork Gisela Stähli August 2020

Sensual Bodyflow Janine Hug September 2020

Emotional Release Mahara McKay November 2020

Guiding Groupmeditations since November 2021

Regular participation at Temple Events

Shamanic course Mahara McKay (2 Tage) June 2021

Tantric Ritual Circle Roger Spiess (2 Tage) July 2021

Tantra Energy Mahara McKay (5 Tage) July 2021

Tantra Energy 2. Teil Mahara McKay (2 Tage) November 2021

Fire Walking December 2021

New Years Tantric Energy Mahara McKay (3 days) December 2021

Course "Körperzentierte Sexologische Beratung" IKP January - May 2022

Regelmässige Teilnahme an Shibari Workshops

Shibari Retreat Bina Taverna Mai 2022 

Course "Provokative Therapie 2-Tagesworkshop" IKP Juni 2022

ISTA Level 1 Oktober 2022

Instagram @templegregvarga